Fire: The Engelsfors Trilogy Book II - 'Sara B. Elfgren',  'Mats Strandberg'

The Chosen Ones of Engelsfors. Started as seven and begin the sequel with five.

Everything changes in this book. The Council comes to Engelsfors to try Anna-Karin for misusing her powers. Bringing a world of trouble for the girls with them.

A new cult has emerged. The Positive Engelsfors, who seem to be brainwashing the entire town and creating a heap of violence.

On top of all of that, there is a new demon blessed person trying to bring about the apocalypse at warp speed.

Can Anna-Karin, Minoo, Vanessa, Linnea and Ida figure out what is happening in time while keeping the council at bay?

With a bit of a twist ending, this Swedish series continues to impress!